Measurement of effective Diameter by two wire Method

Pre Test

1. What is least count?
A.  Minimum measurement possible
B.  Range
C.  Accuracy

2. M and 3 stands for M3 *5 thread?
A.  Metric and Pitch
B.  Metric and Major Diameter
C.  Major diameter and Pitch

3. The Constant P is depend upon?
A.  Major Diameter
B.  Pitch
C.  Thread angle
D.  Minor Diameter

4. Indirect measurement is used over direct measurement for measurement of effective diameter of thread plug gauge
A.  To minimize the experimental error
B.  To increase the resolution
C.  Thread angle
D.  Minor Diameter

5. The formula is used to calculate dimension under wire in effective diameter measurement?
Where M is dimension under wire and d wire diameter
A.  M+d
B.  M+2d
C.  T=M-2d